
Savannah Chinn, a 7th-grade student at Westbury Christian, embarked on her first international mission trip this summer. She raised money to serve in Ghana with Crossover Bible Fellowship. 

“I believe God is now calling me to go beyond the boundaries of my local community and to share His love with people around the world,” said Chinn. 

Ghana holds a special place in the hearts of the Chinn family. Savannah’s grandparents, Lloyd and Janet Chinn, have dedicated over 15 years of their lives as full-time missionaries in Ghana

“I had this feeling that I should just go! It was my first international trip and new for me,” said Chinn.

Chinn spent two weeks in Ghana with the CBF ministry Front Door to Frontier (FD2F). She served along a 15-person team and immersed herself in service. 

“In Ghana, we went to two schools, the Shamayim International School and New Life School. I met quite a few kids there, I will admit! We went to a few churches, and we also explored the area.” 

Her mission team worked with Justice and Mary Kabuja, founders of a small Christian school called Shamayim International School in Odumase, Ghana. The city has a large Muslim community, and the Christian school had challenges of not being accepted within the community. Over the past two years, the school grew from 25 to 300 students because the community saw a positive difference in the children. 

As the school grew, it developed a need for people to encourage the teachers, teach English, build new buildings, and engage the community in community development. 

“We mainly played with the kids, and one day we led the teaching. It was pretty fun to teach them. I taught about love and gratefulness. I taught the smaller kids, which was really fun. On the last day, we got to have free time and explore everywhere,” Chinn recalled. “The most impactful part of the trip was helping the schools and playing with the kids. It taught me to be grateful for what I have.”

Chinn shared some of the challenges the team faced in Ghana, especially the time spent traveling between locations. To get to Ghana from Houston, Chinn traveled a total of 21 hours on multiple flights.

“It took a while to get to most places. It was a seven-hour drive to get to Shamayim from New Life. The drive was very challenging, but the flights were worse.” 

While there were several memorable moments and experiences on the trip, Chinn will miss one aspect more than the others. 

“I will definitely miss the people. They were so nice and always happy even with the little they did have at the school. It made me think of people here. If they were in that environment, they would not be as happy. But the people were so grateful for everything.” 

Chinn leaves a trail of light and love wherever she goes. 

Middle School Principal Annette Turner said, “Savannah is a light to those around her; her smile brightens up a room. She is an enthusiastic, positive young lady who shines her light for Jesus!” 

Watch Savannah’s Journey: For a recap of Savannah’s transformative mission trip, view the video here.


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