
Honor Societies

Membership into a National Honor Society is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a student. Westbury Christian School hosts chapters in the National Honor Society, the National Junior Honor Society, and is a charter member of the newly formed National Elementary Honor Society. These groups bring the accomplishments of outstanding students to the attention of parents, teachers, peers, and communities.
Similar to the WCS three-dimensional approach, these national honor societies strives to recognize the total student – the one who excels in all these areas. The standards used for selection are:

Scholarship – Demonstrated by maintaining a specified overall grade point average
Character – Demonstrated by behavior inside and outside of the classroom
Leadership and Service – Demonstrated by activities on and off campus

Membership is more than an honor. It incurs a responsibility and a continuing obligation to demonstrate the outstanding qualities that resulted in the original invitation. Membership also carries a responsibility to the local chapter.

Fine Arts Honor Societies

Honor Society Logos - NAHS and NJAHS
National Art Honor Society (NAHS) and National Junior Art Honor Society (NJAHS) are nationally recognized student organizations that promote the visual arts in conjunction with academics.

Members of these organizations reach into their communities to serve others using their God-given creative gifts.

WCS requires all nominees to have one year of art at WCS in either middle school (NJAHS) or high school (NAHS) and an overall GPA of 3.4 or greater.

Honor Society Logos - ITS
International Thespian Society (ITS) is an honorary organization for high school theatre students that recognizes and rewards excellence among participants in the theatre arts program. Membership into the troupe is earned on a point system that determines induction eligibility. Students may earn points for membership and higher honors by working on and off stage.
Honor Society Logos - Tri-M
Tri-M Music Honor Society is an international music honor society designed to recognize high school students for their academic and musical achievements; to reward them for their accomplishments and service activities; and to inspire other students to excel at music and leadership.

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