
Lower School Chapel

Lower School Chapel is a time for K3-4th grade students to meet together for a biblically based lesson, praise and worship, and prayer.

For more information on our Bible Curriclulum, visit DeepRoots Bible Curriculum

Lower School House Chapel and House Groups

“House Groups are one of my most favorite times of the week. I love seeing all of our students in Lower School forming connections and growing closer to Jesus.”

Principal Amanda Archer

The Westbury Christian School House Groups are made up of all WCS Lower School students from Preschool to 4th grade. WCS has five House Groups that represent parts of the Fruits of the Spirit (Galations 5:22-23). The current House Groups are House of Faithfulness, House of Joy, House of Peace, House of Gentleness, and House of Kindness. From the moment a student becomes a Wildcat, they are prayerfully assigned to a house, which will be their same house group for the duration of their time in WCS Lower School. Each house has designated House Leaders who are various faculty and staff around our campus. The House Leader will remain the same each year and serve as a mentor to each student.

House Groups meet twice a week for worship and discussion. Discussions are based on topics covered in chapel with applications to each student’s life. House Chapel is a praise and worship time while sitting with their House Groups.

House Groups provide mentorship and discipleship opportunities for our older students in 2nd grade through 4th grade. Students will be paired with “buddies” in preschool through 1st grade. Our House Group buddy system allows the mentor student to teach about chapel expectations, lyrics and movement to worship songs, and answer any questions. This interaction blends over to different areas throughout the school day such as lunch and into the after school extended day program.

Project HUG

Project HUG is an organized intiative to build a tradition of service from our littlest Wildcats to our oldest Wildcats in Lower School through various community service projects. Each grade level is assigned a theme and a month. At the end of the month, the grade level will report on their service project in chapel.

These projects are subject to change. Here is an example of service projects our Lower School students have completed in the past.

October – 4th grade: MD Anderson

The 4th grade class listened to a presentation from an MD Anderson Care Coordinator and wrote cards/letters of encouragement to critically ill pediatric patients.

November – 1st grade: Administration/Admissions Celebration

The 1st grade class baked delicious treats and made cards for our administration and admissions team at Westbury Christian and local nonprofits.

December – 3rd grade: Houston Food Bank

The 3rd grade class organized a school-wide food drive. They also had a day of service at the Houston Food Bank to pack boxes of canned goods.

December/January – Kindergarten: Caroling

Our kindergarteners spread the joy of Christmas caroling around school. They led our school in carols.

February – PreK4: Random Acts of Kindness

The Pre-K4 class created cards and art work to give to local churches as Valentine’s Day blessings.

March – PreK3: Making a Difference in our Community

Even our youngest Wildcats contributed to Project HUG and learned the trait of responsibility and stewardship by picking up trash around our campus.

April – 2nd Grade: YMCA Outreach

The 2nd grade class held a school wide book donation and had a field trip to read to preschool students at the YMCA daycare center.

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