

Our mission is to provide each student with the opportunity to acknowledge and respond through faith to the word of God
while participating in an educational program, which stresses academic, social, emotional and physical development.


Bible study and prayer is a very important time for our kindergarteners. The Bible is interwoven into all curriculum areas. Using Deep Roots, our kindergarteners go through stories of the Old Testament and New Testament. Students are encouraged to apply Biblical lessons to their own lives and spend time reviewing character traits such as obedience, respect and responsibility. Students participate in Lower School Chapel and House Meetings each week. They also join K-12th grade students in All School Chapel several times throughout the year. For more information on House Chapels, please visit page 13.


The social studies curriculum seeks to build upon the foundation of culture and community. Kindergartners study the state of Texas and national heritage, as well as patriotic holidays and the contributions of historic people. Students also learn about the geographic concept of location and the physical and human characteristics of places. Worldview is extended to an understanding of God’s love for all people.


The science curriculum builds upon the natural curiosity of young children as they discover the wonder of God’s creation. Students learn about the natural world by identifying and investigating rocks, water, soil, living organisms, and objects. Students are introduced to the concept of a system as a collection of cycles, structures, and processes that interact. Computers and information technology tools are used for support.


The mathematics curriculum focuses on the basic foundations of math concepts. Our teachers develop these core principles through exploration of patterns, sorting, counting, making math connections, and problem solving. Problem solving skills are demonstrated through the use of informal language to communicate early understanding of connections within and outside of mathematics.


The kindergarten reading curriculum is a combination of whole language and sequential phonics instruction. Teachers use a variety of developmentally appropriate activities to prepare students to read, write and develop language skills. Students receive both whole group and small group instruction to give them the skills and tools they need to be successful readers, writers and communicators.

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